해외에 유통되는 게임아이디매입의 대부분인 98%가 구글과 애플 앱스토어의 등급분류를 통해 서비스되기 덕에 논란이 된 뒤에야 서비스가 중지되는 등 사후 조치가 이뤄지고 있다. 국회를 중심으로 중국 게임의 역사 왜곡 문제를 막기 위한 게임법 개정안이 발의되고 있지만 이마저도 실효성이 낮다는 지적이 적지 않다. 법안 통과에 대다수인 시간이 필요하고 예방보다 처벌에 방점을 맞췄다는 이유 때문이다.
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Копирую сделки с хорошей прибылью
D1O Декабрь 5, 2022
Эта брокерская компания богата на дополнительный функционал и сервис. Сначала я торговал на стандартном тарифе, с адекватными условиями. В принципе и сейчас приторговываю, но большую часть депозита я закинул в копирование сделок. Он тут сделан прекрасно и удобно. Сам настраиваешь свои обороты, свой риск-менеджмент, вся статистика перед лицом, в том числе и того трейдера, которого ты копируешь. Так что самое сложное, это по сути выбрать трейдера, который будет грамотно и прибыльно торговать. Я таких двух нашел, приносят мне в среднем по 12,48% ежемесячно, это уже после вычета всех комиссий.
Сам я приторговываю на небольшую сумму, но не вывожу прибыль, реинвестирую, постепенно раскачивая счет. Предпочитаю все-таки, чтобы деньги работали за меня.
В остальном брокер тоже хорош, как и по условиям, так и по качеству обслуживания.
Да внесите уже эту кухню в ЧС
Alilo Декабрь 5, 2022
Давно пора уже внести эту поганую кухню в черный список. Развелось тут видите ли, всяких там компашек по форекс-торговле. Надоели уже скамить и кидать людей на деньги. Давно надо запретить весь этот балаган.
Отличный дополнительный сервис
1988 Декабрь 10, 2022
Тут и обучающие курсы предоставят, и просто какие-то конкретные обучающие материалы. Я вот например изучал тему индикаторов, запросил много материала на эту тему, все прислали быстро на почту. Правда, я все равно так и не стал ими пользоваться, после изучения тема показалась гиблой, стандартная связка технического + фундаментального анализа работает более грамотно.
Тут и аналитика топовая. Тоже ее использую, не прямо голую аналитику беру, а связываю ее со своей торговой стратегий. Получается еще улучшенная стратегия.
Тут мега тяжело торговать в плюс
SabaRahm Декабрь 17, 2022
У меня большие проблемы с торговлей в Esperio. Во-первых, терминал хоть и метатрейдер 5, но лагает супер-сильно. Не знаю, в чем проблема, потому что попробовал поторговать на том же метатрейдере 5, но только у другого брокера, там такой проблемы не наблюдается, все работает здорово. То есть трабла именно в этйо конторе. Во-вторых, спреды + комиссии. И ладно бы спреды и комиссии в совокупности были мелкими, но спреды еще куда не шло, они плавающие, но вот комиссионные тут сильно бьют по карману. Так что как торговать в плюс у этого посредника, я не понимаю.
Все работает просто супер
marat Январь 7, 2023
Что такое Esperio? Это топовый дилинговый центр с опытом ведения деятельности более 10 лет. Мало какие брокерские компании даже до 5-летнего стажа-то доживают, так как эта индустрия мега конкурентная, но факт того, что эта фирма смогла, говорит о многом.
Сам я здесь торгую с конца 2021 года, то бишь чуть более, чем один год. Первые три месяца скорее привыкал, именно к комиссиям, к спредам. Сначала казалось, что это большие издержки, но потом подсчитал, что на самом деле издержки тут не выше, чем в среднем по рынку. Плавающие спреды весьма низкие, и практически никакого влияния не имеют, зато нет проблем с тем, что из-за спреда тебе закрывают позицию по стопу, хотя цена до этой отметки не заходила. Думаю, что многие форекс-трейдеры сталкивались с подобной проблемой, понимают, о чем я.
Выводы прибыли начал делать где-то на 4-5 месяца. Сначала небольшие суммы, по 200-300 долларов 1-2 раза в месяц. В сентябре 2022 года вывел первый раз крупную сумму в 2000 долларов. Пришли деньги нормально. К слову, KYC я сразу же прошел после регистрации, так что от брокера ко мне вопросов совсем не было. Ну вот так и продолжаю торговать, выводы от 1000-2000 долларов стабильно, все приходит в срок и вовремя.
Мошенники да и все
vich Январь 11, 2023
Чтобы было понятнее – 99,99% брокерских компаний из офшоров типо Гренадин, во-первых, кухонные которые, которые не могут позволить себе доступ к ECN, а во-вторых, обманывают людей, начиная с информации о своей деятельности, и заканчивая выводами денег клиентов.
Я уверен на 100%, что у этого брокера есть много проблем, включая вывод средств. Он может давать выводить мелочь, до 100-200 баксов, но крупные суммы он вам с радостью забракует, так как они просто грабят его, ведь форекс тут не настоящий, а кухонный
Офшорная грязная кухня
Альфа Январь 12, 2023
Мне вот кажется, что открывать депозит у брокера, который не имеет лицензии, да еще и зарегистрирован где-то в офшорной стране, не самая лучшая идея. Компании, которые находятся в Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, имеют слишком негативную репутацию. С такими брокерами лучше не начинать работать, так как они с легкостью, по щелчку пальцев, становятся скамами, и деньги из таких контор вытащить не представляется возможным.
Именно такой грязной офшорной кухней является Esperio. Не представляю, какие гарантии может эта кухня предоставить, кроме тупой бумажки, неимеющей никакого значения из SVGFSA.
Короче говоря, не вздумайте тут трейдить. Ничего нормального из этого не выйдет, лишитесь всех средств на изи-бризи.
Нормальный мне брокер
Dan Январь 19, 2023
Как по мне нормальный брокер Эсперио. Сначала, да я много не зарабатывал, но сейчас я уже втянулся и имею нормально, по крайней мере я доволен. Деньги свои прибыльные выводил, проблем нет с этим. Но только вот единственный минус, недавно в подержку я не мог долго достучаться. А так в принципе нормально мне. Брокером доволен
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<p>Unijoin is a Bitcoin mixing service that provides privacy by using the ‘Bitcoin Mixer 2.0’ algorithm to shuffle bitcoins. Unlike other similar tumbling services that mix your coins with the coins of other users, this platform mixes your crypto with the crypto bought by them directly from the cryptocurrency stock exchanges. Unijoin verifies the newly purchased coins with a scoring system with the help of innovative algorithms and outfoxes such technologies as blockchain volume analysis, cluster analysis, taint analysis, etc. It means that you will receive your BTC back split into random parts, and even at the different addresses if needed. Consequently, your privacy is protected as there is no connection to you. And it takes up to 6 hours to complete your request. Another privacy feature of this mixer service is that it does not require registration and it does not store logs. All the transactions are digitally signed with letters of guarantee that you can check on the website at any moment. They also provide 24/7 technical support. MixTum.io will charge you a 5% Fee from your transaction as well as a network fee of 0.00015 BTC. The platform provides two versions – for Clearnet and Tor browsers.</p><br><ul> <li><a href=https://chipmixer2.com/>ChipMixer.com</a> : No logs</li> <li>Unijoin : Offers a low minimum deposit of 0.002 BTC </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id=menu1>1. ChipMixer.com - No logs</h2><p>ChipMixer.com currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.ChipMixer.com makes the process of clearing bitcoins very easy and convenient for the client. This resource requires one confirmation of the transaction, after which new clean coins are sent to the specified wallet. Users can also control latency for processing their transactions. This is an offshore service, and its sites are also located offshore. This provides users with additional peace of mind and confidence that their data is strictly confidential. In addition, once the transaction is confirmed, users are sent a unique “delete logs” link, giving users the ability to manually delete their traces of transactions. ChipMixer.com charges a modest 0.5% commission. This makes BTC Blender ideal for users clearing large amounts of bitcoin.</p><p> Pros: <ul><li>Excellent customer support </li><li>Offers a low minimum deposit of 0.002 BTC </li></ul></p> <h2 id=menu2>2. Unijoin - </h2><p>This Unijoin also supports Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC, 0.01 BCH, 0.1 ETH, 1 LTC, and the transaction fee is 0.5% plus 0.0005 for each extra address. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation from 1 to 50. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program. Also, it comes with a letter of guarantee.Another trustworthy mixer is Unijoin which supports two cryptocurrencies with Ethereum to be added soon. The mixing process is quite typical and similar to the processes on other tumblers. It is possible to set a time-delay option up to 72 hours and a sender has an opportunity to split the transaction, so the funds are sent to several addresses. Thus, sender’s funds are more secured and untraceable.</p><p> Pros: <ul><li>Secure Exchange</li><li>No-logs polici</li></ul></p>
<p>The official website of the casino YakoCasino has been operating since 2013, but it has become available to users from Canada relatively recently. The operator offers a collection of 6700 video slots and lucrative bonus offers. Along with slot machines, users can bet on sports and other gambling entertainment.</p><br><ul> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>PartyCasino : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xBet</a> : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> <li>Rollers Casino : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>Launched about 10 years ago, the official casino website Bingo Bonga Casino was originally developed for the European online entertainment market. Users were provided with attractive conditions in the form of a generous bonus program, original software and a good collection of games at that time. Unfortunately, the owners of the brand failed to maintain the initially earned reputation of a reliable and honest operator, and the site gradually deteriorated.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. PartyCasino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p>One of the popular projects of the operator SG International NV is the Haiti online casino. The developers launched it in 2021 and decided to reach the widest possible audience by setting minimum territorial restrictions. Only the United States, France and the Netherlands were banned.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p> Eddy Vegas Casino Casino is aimed at English-speaking players, but offers an insufficiently wide range of gambling games by modern standards and mediocre service. There are less than 300 titles in the collection, bonuses cannot be called profitable, and few payment s</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>In 2004, the official website Jackpot Molly Casino Casino appeared on the Canadian gambling market. The main focus of the developers was on the English-speaking target audience, so the platform is available in one language. The operator works only with the manufacturer Microgaming, so the software collection is relatively small - about 200 titles. The lack of a license and owner data repels supporters of honest platforms.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. 1xBet - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>Launched in 2021, the official website 1xBet Casino is a high-quality licensed project that provides gamblers with access not only to slots, but also to betting rates. The developers decided not to set strict territorial restrictions and translated the interface into 15 languages in order to attract players from different countries.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>The bulk of volcanoes are unlicensed gambling establishments, with scripted slots and obviously zero chance of winning big. We do not recommend that you use their services.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>The online casino Biamo.bet Casino is aimed at users from Canada and the CIS countries, has only a English-language interface and one currency for maintaining an account - English rubles. The main disadvantage is the lack of a license.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>The official website Whamoo Casino Casino is a young project that appeared in 2021. Its creators have focused on modern digital technologies. For this, the operator issued its own $KNK token, which became part of a large platform. Casino users were offered bonuses, certified slots from well-known providers, live broadcasts and bookmaker bets.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>An online casino with an original animated design of the main page was launched in 2017. Today, the operator offers users video slots, games with live dealers and sports betting. In the developed bonus program, participants can receive a welcome package, regular deposit offers and birthday gifts. Slot machines at Rox casino are represented by 42 developers.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Rollers Casino - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>Welcome Online Casino is one of the many gambling sites that belongs to the Volcano series. Once it had a different name and a corresponding logo, but the operator, for some unknown reason, decided to change everything. In any case, the project is not able to offer its customers quality service and fair winnings, so experienced users stay away from it.</p>
<p>The new casino opened in 2021 and attracted users with a rock and roll themed design. The range of entertainment includes video slots from famous providers, live casinos, table and card virtual games. Rolling Slots online casino customers receive welcome bonuses, cashback and participate in regular promotions from the operator.</p><br><ul> <li>Rollers Casino : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> <li>PartyCasino : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xbet Casino</a> : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Rollers Casino - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>The official website of Casino Rollers Casino is a relatively young project launched in the spring of 2020. For the design, the owners chose a non-standard motorsport theme for their segment, which is involved to one degree or another on all pages. The original style, unusual setting and various bonuses attract many players.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. PartyCasino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p>#ИМЯ?</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>The licensed online casino Bit Casino accepts payments only in cryptocurrency. The site has a large collection of games and a developed bonus program. Users participate in tournaments, bet on esports and gain VIP levels with growing privileges.</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>Super Kot online casino is a relatively young project in the gambling industry that offers players a huge collection of video slots from several dozen providers. The strengths of the site also include a developed bonus policy, regular tournaments and prize draws.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>In 2007, thanks to one little-known operator, the official site Whamoo Casino Casino appeared on the network. At first, the project attracted the attention of gamblers, but soon users realized that this company could not be trusted. The owners did not even begin to issue a license, offering customers not the highest level of service. Also, negative feedback from players began to appear on specialized forums, who complained about long payouts, difficulties in verifying, and even blocking accounts without explaining the reasons.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. 1xbet Casino - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>In 2009, one of the UKian companies launched a site with slot machines and bookmaker bets. It was an online casino GrandCasino By, which continues to develop to this day. Over the years of its existence, the project has undergone a lot of changes, as a result of which more and more gamblers are willing to register here, take part in tournaments, win money in original slots or make a few sports bets.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>The site started working in 2019 and has an excellent reputation among users. The official site Jackpot Molly Casino Casino offers gambling in several formats. The operator has developed a wide bonus program, which is provided for fans of sports betting and video slots.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>Gambling lovers started playing at Joo Casino Casino on the official website in November 2018, when the project was officially launched and began to develop gradually. Players were attracted by a large catalog of video slots, good bonuses and a convenient multilingual interface. The owners placed particular emphasis on supporting cryptocurrencies in addition to popular national currencies.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>The official website Bingo Bonga Casino Casino, which appeared in 2018, belongs to the operator, who, together with the machines, offered users betting bets. The project has firmly established itself in the gambling market largely thanks to an impressive collection of gambling entertainment, generous bonuses and regular tournaments that allow you to win not only money, but also loyalty points.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p>The official site Eddy Vegas Casino Casino is a young project that offers users more than 1000 slot machines, an interesting bonus program and regular tournaments. The casino appeared as a result of the rebranding of Azartmania, which has existed since 2012. English-speaking players note the presence of a full-fledged English-language localization and the ability to open an account in English rubles.</p>
<p>The official site of Vivaro Casino is a portal with traditional gambling, sports betting and a separate poker room. The casino is famous for a large set of titles in the gaming lobby and an honest attitude towards customers. The site interface is presented only in English and Armenian, and this small flaw could have gone unnoticed if it were not for the lack of a license for gambling activities.</p><br><ul> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>MrRex Casino : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xbet Casino</a> : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li>Rollers Casino : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>Online casino Live is a young service from a reliable operator. It attracts new customers with an individual approach to providing bonuses, depending on the preferences of a particular user. The site operates on the basis of permission from the Malta Gambling Commission, contains a large collection of video slots and entertainment with live dealers. An additional advantage for gamblers from Canada and the CIS countries is the English-language interface and the ability to create a ruble account.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>In 2020, a group of talented developers from Sprut Group BV launched a new gambling project - SpinBetter online casino. Few people know that this is the former CasinoZ, so the site has an excellent base and good prospects. This is a licensed platform that offers users a huge collection of gambling entertainment, several good bonuses and a multi-stage cashback loyalty program. The site catalog is constantly updated with new software, so the players interest in the platform remains at a consistently high level.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>Existing for about 20 years, the official website of the casino Bingo Bonga Casino today is a large and popular gaming platform. It contains not only video slots, but also many other gambling entertainments. Separate places are occupied by a betting site and a poker room, for which the operator even offers special bonuses.</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. MrRex Casino - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>Buran online casino has been operating since 2016, has a Curacao gambling license and offers players almost 3,000 gambling games, which are very conveniently categorized.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p>The Dama NV operator has many large brands in its arsenal, but there are also unpromoted young projects. Among them is the online casino Super Bit, which appeared relatively recently, but offers comfortable conditions to all lovers of gambling entertainment. A good collection of slot machines, a bonus program with welcome offers, periodic tournaments and other features help the operator to attract new customers.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>The official website Viggoslots Casino Casino is a young and promising project launched in August 2022 by an operator unknown at that time. The site with popular gambling entertainment began to develop rapidly, attracting players from almost all over the world. The collection of slots was gradually increased, bonuses and contests were added, and even a betting platform with sports betting was built in. Now Get X online casino is a popular project in the iGaming industry.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>The online casino Biamo.bet Casino appeared on the platform of a well-known European bookmaker and quickly gained a large audience. Online gambling enthusiasts prefer the project due to the official license and high-quality gaming software. Users from Canada who intend to play on verified resources are not stopped even by the territorial restrictions set by the operator.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. 1xbet Casino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p> 1xbet Casino is a little-known casino with a minimum set of slots, operating without a license and delaying payments to players. There is no information about the owners on the site, and technical support operators do not provide information about the license. P</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>This site with slot machines and other popular gambling entertainment was launched in 2022 by Stake Seven Limited BV, registered in Curacao. The operator hired experienced developers who thought through all the details. Players received a high-quality platform with gambling entertainment, where they found a large collection of slots, live broadcasts with dealers, and a VIP program of 10 levels with various bonuses and gifts. The official website Jackpot Molly Casino Casino continues to develop, providing new opportunities for gamblers.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Rollers Casino - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>The official website Rollers Casino Casino has been on the market for less than a year, gradually developing and improving the quality of player service. The licensed operator took care of the permit, offered a large collection of software and developed a profitable bonus policy, offering generous welcome promotions to newcomers.</p>
<p>Online casino Casino Brango Casino appeared in 2014 and was originally aimed at gamblers from Eastern Europe: Canada, UK, USA, Moldova. Later, the institution expanded its zone of influence, interfaces appeared in Spanish, Swedish, Finnish and Chinese. The official website is equally well adapted for all devices - computers, smartphones and tablets. The casino is owned by RIOTECH NV, registered in the Netherlands Antilles.</p><br><ul> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xBet APP</a> : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>MrRex Casino : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li>PartyCasino : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p>Online gambling enthusiasts who prefer to use cryptocurrencies for payments can try to play slot machines at Fortune Jack casino for money, but be careful. This is a licensed project, but it has a lot of negative reviews on the net. Users complain about the poor return of machines, delays in payments, and even blocking of accounts after they manage to win money at the casino. Because of this, a project with good potential deserves not the highest rating.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. 1xBet APP - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>The online casino 1xBet APP is focused on Runet users, so the interface is available not only in English, but also in English. The operator allows you to open accounts in different currencies, including English rubles and hryvnia. The casino attracts with a low entry threshold. The minimum deposit is only 50 rubles. Users are also attracted by the loyalty system, monthly cashback and no deposit free spins bonus.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>The casino has been operating since 2013, however, users from Canada have become interested in it relatively recently. The operator offers about 1,000 gambling games, and many popular providers are on the list. English visitors are attracted by a high-quality English-language interface, a variety of welcome and weekly bonuses, as well as the possibility of maintaining an account in rubles.</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>In 2020, the official casino website Bingo Bonga Casino appeared on the gambling market, which began to actively develop and arouse interest among many players. In 2022, the project was renamed Spinbetter. The indisputable advantage of the casino is a large catalog of gambling entertainment, but the operator still needs to improve the loyalty program and improve the quality of technical support.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. MrRex Casino - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>GGBet online casino was created in 2016 by professionals from the world of eSports. The main direction of the resource is betting, but considerable attention is also paid to the casino. The site presents slots from popular developers, and the minimum threshold for entering the game is only 100 rubles. On the Internet, players leave conflicting reviews, among the obvious disadvantages noting the lengthy verification of documents during verification, delays in payments and account blocking.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>In 2022, users got the opportunity to play casino Viggoslots Casino on the official website. The young site is in its infancy and is developing at a promising pace. Already in the first months of operation, the operator created an impressive tournament grid. It offers live dealer games, slots and other disciplines. Users are attracted by anonymity, ease of authorization, and the democratic concept of the site.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>Online casino Vip Club is a completely new project that at the start attracted the attention of gamblers with a large collection of gambling games and a minimum deposit of 300 rubles. The casino is focused on the English-speaking and English-speaking audience and offers replenishment and withdrawal not only with fiat money, but also in cryptocurrency. The site has just started its work, however, after a detailed analysis, the project can be called promising.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>Online casino Jackpot Molly Casino stands out from other casinos with a huge number of video slots from 80 providers, including the largest manufacturers and little-known developers of gaming software. Thanks to this, even without a English-language interface, the site won recognition from gamblers from Canada and the CIS countries.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. PartyCasino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p>Online casino Imperator can hardly be called a full-fledged casino. Even the creators themselves specify in the rules that their project is a set of Internet programs designed to make instant draws, in other words, a lottery. This self-determination is the main essence of the resource - using it really turns out to be a lottery for customers. Players cannot be sure that they will be able to withdraw winnings without any problems even if they are lucky to receive them in scripted slots.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>The official website Joo Casino Casino is aimed at players from Western Europe and offers a welcome bonus, regular tournaments and about 300 video slots. The operator does not have a license and software verification certificates. In the reviews, users talk about account locks after trying to withdraw funds and endless verification.</p>
Даркнет: Мифы и Реальность
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Слово "даркнет" стало широко известным в последние годы и вызывает у многих людей интерес и одновременно страх. Даркнет, также известный как "темная сеть" или "черный интернет", представляет собой скрытую сеть сайтов, недоступных обычным поисковым системам и браузерам.
Даркнет существует на основе технологии, известной как Tor (The Onion Router), которая обеспечивает анонимность и безопасность для пользователей. Tor использует множество узлов, чтобы перенаправить сетевой трафик и скрыть источник данных. Эти узлы представляют собой добровольные компьютеры по всему миру, которые помогают обрабатывать и перенаправлять информацию без возможности отслеживания.
В даркнете можно найти самые разнообразные сайты и сервисы: от интернет-магазинов, продающих незаконные товары, до форумов обмена информацией и блогов со свободной речью. Присутствует также и контент, который не имеет никакого незаконного характера, но предпочитает существовать вне пространства обычного интернета.
Однако, даркнет также обретает зловещую репутацию, так как на нем происходит и незаконная деятельность. От продажи наркотиков и оружия до организации киберпреступлений и торговли личными данными – все это можно найти в недрах даркнета. Кроме того, также существуют специализированные форумы, где планируются преступления, обсуждаются террористические акты и распространяется детская порнография. Эти незаконные действия привлекают внимание правоохранительных органов и ведут к попыткам борьбы с даркнетом.
Важно отметить, что анонимность даркнета имеет как положительные, так и отрицательные аспекты. С одной стороны, она может быть полезной для диссидентов и журналистов, которые могут использовать даркнет для обеспечения конфиденциальности и передачи информации о нарушениях прав человека. С другой стороны, она позволяет преступникам и хакерам уклоняться от ответственности и оставаться в полной тени.
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Вопрос безопасности в даркнете также играет важную роль. В силу своей анонимности, даркнет привлекает хакеров, которые настраивают ловушки и проводят атаки на пользователей. Компьютерные вирусы, мошенничество и кража личных данных – это только некоторые из проблем, с которыми пользователи могут столкнуться при использовании даркнета.
В заключение, даркнет – это сложное и многогранный инструмент, который находится в постоянном конфликте между светлыми и темными сторонами. В то время как даркнет может обеспечивать конфиденциальность и свободу информационного обмена, он также служит местом для незаконных действий и усилий преступников. Поэтому, как и в любой сфере, важно остерегаться и быть осведомленным о возможных рисках.
<p>The official website Kudos Casino Casino, which appeared in 2018, belongs to the operator, who, together with the machines, offered users betting bets. The project has firmly established itself in the gambling market largely thanks to an impressive collection of gambling entertainment, generous bonuses and regular tournaments that allow you to win not only money, but also loyalty points.</p><br><ul> <li><a href="https://australiacasino9.com/">Best Online Casinos in Australia for Real Money</a> : Hefty starting package </li> <li>Fight Club Casino : Welcome offer for newcomers </li> <li>Slots Magic : Wednesday extra spins </li> <li>Slotbox Casino : Welcome no-deposit bonus</li> <li>Casino Action : Incentives for loyal patrons </li> <li>sultanbet Casino : Huge choice of video slots </li> <li>Jackpot Wheel Casino : Excellent customer service</li> <li>GrandWild Casino : Generous offer for new punters </li> <li>Casinozer Casino : Massively big gaming platform </li> <li>Primedice : A weekend cashback bonus </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Best Online Casinos in Australia for Real Money - Hefty starting package </h2><p>In 2022, gambling enthusiasts began to register and actively play at Best Online Casinos in Australia for Real Money on the official website. The owners of this casino managed to create a high-quality and popular platform with popular software. Users were offered good conditions without mandatory verification, minimum limits on deposits and withdrawals, completely anonymous transactions.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. Fight Club Casino - Welcome offer for newcomers </h2><p>The official website Fight Club Casino offers users a casino and a bookmakers office on the same site. Players can launch slots and bet on sports on a convenient platform. The operator provides a developed bonus system for newcomers and regular customers, and the VIP program allows you to get more privileges. The casino is licensed, the site hosts high-quality software from 62 providers.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Slots Magic - Wednesday extra spins </h2><p> Slots Magic is a licensed casino designed for players from Kazakhstan. The site offers a wide range of gambling entertainment, generous bonuses and a well-thought-out loyalty program. Also, customers have access to a convenient mobile version and fast payouts. </p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Slotbox Casino - Welcome no-deposit bonus</h2><p>Launched in 2020, the official website of the casino Slotbox Casino belongs to a well-known operator in the gambling world and offers comfortable conditions for all players. At the moment, the platform is under development, and the owners periodically add new software manufacturers and additional features. The interface has been translated into English, although the site is not available in all CIS countries due to territorial restrictions established by the operator.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. Casino Action - Incentives for loyal patrons </h2><p>The multi-format platform offers slot machines from well-known manufacturers, bets on sports events and other popular entertainment. There is only one promotional offer in the bonus policy, and there is no confirmation of the availability of a license. The official website Casino Action has been operating for 23 years, the reviews on the network are mixed.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. sultanbet Casino - Huge choice of video slots </h2><p>A new project has recently appeared on the gambling market. Who owns it is not known for certain, but because of this, there are no fewer people who want to play at sultanbet Casino Casino on the official website. The online casino offers a collection of over 2600 slots, several interesting bonuses, simple registration and a free spins store. Despite the lack of a license, players leave positive feedback about this operator.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Jackpot Wheel Casino - Excellent customer service</h2><p>When the online gambling segment only began to develop in the late 90s, the competition was not high. One of the gaming projects of those times is the official site Jackpot Wheel Casino Casino. It was created by a foreign operator, so the platform was translated only into English, but even taking this into account, users from Canada and the CIS countries actively registered on it.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. GrandWild Casino - Generous offer for new punters </h2><p>Pinnacle Online Casino was created on the betting platform that has existed since 1998. The operator offers gamblers more than 1,500 video slots and other gambling entertainment. The presence of a English-language interface has made the site popular among players from Canada and the CIS countries. Weekly drawings of cash prizes and free spins, as well as impeccable honesty towards players help the operator to maintain high positions in the ratings.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Casinozer Casino - Massively big gaming platform </h2><p>The official site Casinozer Casino Casino is a full-fledged cryptocurrency project that exists in the online gambling segment. It was created for players who care about the privacy of their personal data. The casino developers offer a collection of over 1000 slots, live broadcasts with real dealers and bets. All this is diluted with a multi-level loyalty program with generous bonuses for each status.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Primedice - A weekend cashback bonus </h2><p>The online casino Primedice is part of the famous Casino Rewards network providing players with an impressive loyalty program. The casino operates on the Microgaming platform and offers players only slots from this operator. The focus on gamblers in Western and Central Europe confuses English-speaking users, despite the presence of support in English.</p>
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Копирую сделки с хорошей прибылью
D1O Декабрь 5, 2022
Эта брокерская компания богата на дополнительный функционал и сервис. Сначала я торговал на стандартном тарифе, с адекватными условиями. В принципе и сейчас приторговываю, но большую часть депозита я закинул в копирование сделок. Он тут сделан прекрасно и удобно. Сам настраиваешь свои обороты, свой риск-менеджмент, вся статистика перед лицом, в том числе и того трейдера, которого ты копируешь. Так что самое сложное, это по сути выбрать трейдера, который будет грамотно и прибыльно торговать. Я таких двух нашел, приносят мне в среднем по 12,48% ежемесячно, это уже после вычета всех комиссий.
Сам я приторговываю на небольшую сумму, но не вывожу прибыль, реинвестирую, постепенно раскачивая счет. Предпочитаю все-таки, чтобы деньги работали за меня.
В остальном брокер тоже хорош, как и по условиям, так и по качеству обслуживания.
Да внесите уже эту кухню в ЧС
Alilo Декабрь 5, 2022
Давно пора уже внести эту поганую кухню в черный список. Развелось тут видите ли, всяких там компашек по форекс-торговле. Надоели уже скамить и кидать людей на деньги. Давно надо запретить весь этот балаган.
Отличный дополнительный сервис
1988 Декабрь 10, 2022
Тут и обучающие курсы предоставят, и просто какие-то конкретные обучающие материалы. Я вот например изучал тему индикаторов, запросил много материала на эту тему, все прислали быстро на почту. Правда, я все равно так и не стал ими пользоваться, после изучения тема показалась гиблой, стандартная связка технического + фундаментального анализа работает более грамотно.
Тут и аналитика топовая. Тоже ее использую, не прямо голую аналитику беру, а связываю ее со своей торговой стратегий. Получается еще улучшенная стратегия.
Тут мега тяжело торговать в плюс
SabaRahm Декабрь 17, 2022
У меня большие проблемы с торговлей в Esperio. Во-первых, терминал хоть и метатрейдер 5, но лагает супер-сильно. Не знаю, в чем проблема, потому что попробовал поторговать на том же метатрейдере 5, но только у другого брокера, там такой проблемы не наблюдается, все работает здорово. То есть трабла именно в этйо конторе. Во-вторых, спреды + комиссии. И ладно бы спреды и комиссии в совокупности были мелкими, но спреды еще куда не шло, они плавающие, но вот комиссионные тут сильно бьют по карману. Так что как торговать в плюс у этого посредника, я не понимаю.
Все работает просто супер
marat Январь 7, 2023
Что такое Esperio? Это топовый дилинговый центр с опытом ведения деятельности более 10 лет. Мало какие брокерские компании даже до 5-летнего стажа-то доживают, так как эта индустрия мега конкурентная, но факт того, что эта фирма смогла, говорит о многом.
Сам я здесь торгую с конца 2021 года, то бишь чуть более, чем один год. Первые три месяца скорее привыкал, именно к комиссиям, к спредам. Сначала казалось, что это большие издержки, но потом подсчитал, что на самом деле издержки тут не выше, чем в среднем по рынку. Плавающие спреды весьма низкие, и практически никакого влияния не имеют, зато нет проблем с тем, что из-за спреда тебе закрывают позицию по стопу, хотя цена до этой отметки не заходила. Думаю, что многие форекс-трейдеры сталкивались с подобной проблемой, понимают, о чем я.
Выводы прибыли начал делать где-то на 4-5 месяца. Сначала небольшие суммы, по 200-300 долларов 1-2 раза в месяц. В сентябре 2022 года вывел первый раз крупную сумму в 2000 долларов. Пришли деньги нормально. К слову, KYC я сразу же прошел после регистрации, так что от брокера ко мне вопросов совсем не было. Ну вот так и продолжаю торговать, выводы от 1000-2000 долларов стабильно, все приходит в срок и вовремя.
Мошенники да и все
vich Январь 11, 2023
Чтобы было понятнее – 99,99% брокерских компаний из офшоров типо Гренадин, во-первых, кухонные которые, которые не могут позволить себе доступ к ECN, а во-вторых, обманывают людей, начиная с информации о своей деятельности, и заканчивая выводами денег клиентов.
Я уверен на 100%, что у этого брокера есть много проблем, включая вывод средств. Он может давать выводить мелочь, до 100-200 баксов, но крупные суммы он вам с радостью забракует, так как они просто грабят его, ведь форекс тут не настоящий, а кухонный
Офшорная грязная кухня
Альфа Январь 12, 2023
Мне вот кажется, что открывать депозит у брокера, который не имеет лицензии, да еще и зарегистрирован где-то в офшорной стране, не самая лучшая идея. Компании, которые находятся в Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, имеют слишком негативную репутацию. С такими брокерами лучше не начинать работать, так как они с легкостью, по щелчку пальцев, становятся скамами, и деньги из таких контор вытащить не представляется возможным.
Именно такой грязной офшорной кухней является Esperio. Не представляю, какие гарантии может эта кухня предоставить, кроме тупой бумажки, неимеющей никакого значения из SVGFSA.
Короче говоря, не вздумайте тут трейдить. Ничего нормального из этого не выйдет, лишитесь всех средств на изи-бризи.
Нормальный мне брокер
Dan Январь 19, 2023
Как по мне нормальный брокер Эсперио. Сначала, да я много не зарабатывал, но сейчас я уже втянулся и имею нормально, по крайней мере я доволен. Деньги свои прибыльные выводил, проблем нет с этим. Но только вот единственный минус, недавно в подержку я не мог долго достучаться. А так в принципе нормально мне. Брокером доволен
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Sun, 22 Oct 2023 17:55:05 +0800
<p>Unijoin is a Bitcoin mixing service that provides privacy by using the ‘Bitcoin Mixer 2.0’ algorithm to shuffle bitcoins. Unlike other similar tumbling services that mix your coins with the coins of other users, this platform mixes your crypto with the crypto bought by them directly from the cryptocurrency stock exchanges. Unijoin verifies the newly purchased coins with a scoring system with the help of innovative algorithms and outfoxes such technologies as blockchain volume analysis, cluster analysis, taint analysis, etc. It means that you will receive your BTC back split into random parts, and even at the different addresses if needed. Consequently, your privacy is protected as there is no connection to you. And it takes up to 6 hours to complete your request. Another privacy feature of this mixer service is that it does not require registration and it does not store logs. All the transactions are digitally signed with letters of guarantee that you can check on the website at any moment. They also provide 24/7 technical support. MixTum.io will charge you a 5% Fee from your transaction as well as a network fee of 0.00015 BTC. The platform provides two versions – for Clearnet and Tor browsers.</p><br><ul> <li><a href=https://chipmixer2.com/>ChipMixer.com</a> : No logs</li> <li>Unijoin : Offers a low minimum deposit of 0.002 BTC </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id=menu1>1. ChipMixer.com - No logs</h2><p>ChipMixer.com currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.ChipMixer.com makes the process of clearing bitcoins very easy and convenient for the client. This resource requires one confirmation of the transaction, after which new clean coins are sent to the specified wallet. Users can also control latency for processing their transactions. This is an offshore service, and its sites are also located offshore. This provides users with additional peace of mind and confidence that their data is strictly confidential. In addition, once the transaction is confirmed, users are sent a unique “delete logs” link, giving users the ability to manually delete their traces of transactions. ChipMixer.com charges a modest 0.5% commission. This makes BTC Blender ideal for users clearing large amounts of bitcoin.</p><p> Pros: <ul><li>Excellent customer support </li><li>Offers a low minimum deposit of 0.002 BTC </li></ul></p> <h2 id=menu2>2. Unijoin - </h2><p>This Unijoin also supports Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC, 0.01 BCH, 0.1 ETH, 1 LTC, and the transaction fee is 0.5% plus 0.0005 for each extra address. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation from 1 to 50. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program. Also, it comes with a letter of guarantee.Another trustworthy mixer is Unijoin which supports two cryptocurrencies with Ethereum to be added soon. The mixing process is quite typical and similar to the processes on other tumblers. It is possible to set a time-delay option up to 72 hours and a sender has an opportunity to split the transaction, so the funds are sent to several addresses. Thus, sender’s funds are more secured and untraceable.</p><p> Pros: <ul><li>Secure Exchange</li><li>No-logs polici</li></ul></p>
Sun, 22 Oct 2023 17:17:57 +0800
<p>The official website of the casino YakoCasino has been operating since 2013, but it has become available to users from Canada relatively recently. The operator offers a collection of 6700 video slots and lucrative bonus offers. Along with slot machines, users can bet on sports and other gambling entertainment.</p><br><ul> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>PartyCasino : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xBet</a> : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> <li>Rollers Casino : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>Launched about 10 years ago, the official casino website Bingo Bonga Casino was originally developed for the European online entertainment market. Users were provided with attractive conditions in the form of a generous bonus program, original software and a good collection of games at that time. Unfortunately, the owners of the brand failed to maintain the initially earned reputation of a reliable and honest operator, and the site gradually deteriorated.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. PartyCasino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p>One of the popular projects of the operator SG International NV is the Haiti online casino. The developers launched it in 2021 and decided to reach the widest possible audience by setting minimum territorial restrictions. Only the United States, France and the Netherlands were banned.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p> Eddy Vegas Casino Casino is aimed at English-speaking players, but offers an insufficiently wide range of gambling games by modern standards and mediocre service. There are less than 300 titles in the collection, bonuses cannot be called profitable, and few payment s</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>In 2004, the official website Jackpot Molly Casino Casino appeared on the Canadian gambling market. The main focus of the developers was on the English-speaking target audience, so the platform is available in one language. The operator works only with the manufacturer Microgaming, so the software collection is relatively small - about 200 titles. The lack of a license and owner data repels supporters of honest platforms.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. 1xBet - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>Launched in 2021, the official website 1xBet Casino is a high-quality licensed project that provides gamblers with access not only to slots, but also to betting rates. The developers decided not to set strict territorial restrictions and translated the interface into 15 languages in order to attract players from different countries.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>The bulk of volcanoes are unlicensed gambling establishments, with scripted slots and obviously zero chance of winning big. We do not recommend that you use their services.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>The online casino Biamo.bet Casino is aimed at users from Canada and the CIS countries, has only a English-language interface and one currency for maintaining an account - English rubles. The main disadvantage is the lack of a license.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>The official website Whamoo Casino Casino is a young project that appeared in 2021. Its creators have focused on modern digital technologies. For this, the operator issued its own $KNK token, which became part of a large platform. Casino users were offered bonuses, certified slots from well-known providers, live broadcasts and bookmaker bets.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>An online casino with an original animated design of the main page was launched in 2017. Today, the operator offers users video slots, games with live dealers and sports betting. In the developed bonus program, participants can receive a welcome package, regular deposit offers and birthday gifts. Slot machines at Rox casino are represented by 42 developers.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Rollers Casino - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>Welcome Online Casino is one of the many gambling sites that belongs to the Volcano series. Once it had a different name and a corresponding logo, but the operator, for some unknown reason, decided to change everything. In any case, the project is not able to offer its customers quality service and fair winnings, so experienced users stay away from it.</p>
Sun, 22 Oct 2023 12:51:04 +0800
<p>The new casino opened in 2021 and attracted users with a rock and roll themed design. The range of entertainment includes video slots from famous providers, live casinos, table and card virtual games. Rolling Slots online casino customers receive welcome bonuses, cashback and participate in regular promotions from the operator.</p><br><ul> <li>Rollers Casino : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> <li>PartyCasino : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xbet Casino</a> : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Rollers Casino - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>The official website of Casino Rollers Casino is a relatively young project launched in the spring of 2020. For the design, the owners chose a non-standard motorsport theme for their segment, which is involved to one degree or another on all pages. The original style, unusual setting and various bonuses attract many players.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. PartyCasino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p>#ИМЯ?</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>The licensed online casino Bit Casino accepts payments only in cryptocurrency. The site has a large collection of games and a developed bonus program. Users participate in tournaments, bet on esports and gain VIP levels with growing privileges.</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>Super Kot online casino is a relatively young project in the gambling industry that offers players a huge collection of video slots from several dozen providers. The strengths of the site also include a developed bonus policy, regular tournaments and prize draws.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>In 2007, thanks to one little-known operator, the official site Whamoo Casino Casino appeared on the network. At first, the project attracted the attention of gamblers, but soon users realized that this company could not be trusted. The owners did not even begin to issue a license, offering customers not the highest level of service. Also, negative feedback from players began to appear on specialized forums, who complained about long payouts, difficulties in verifying, and even blocking accounts without explaining the reasons.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. 1xbet Casino - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>In 2009, one of the UKian companies launched a site with slot machines and bookmaker bets. It was an online casino GrandCasino By, which continues to develop to this day. Over the years of its existence, the project has undergone a lot of changes, as a result of which more and more gamblers are willing to register here, take part in tournaments, win money in original slots or make a few sports bets.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>The site started working in 2019 and has an excellent reputation among users. The official site Jackpot Molly Casino Casino offers gambling in several formats. The operator has developed a wide bonus program, which is provided for fans of sports betting and video slots.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>Gambling lovers started playing at Joo Casino Casino on the official website in November 2018, when the project was officially launched and began to develop gradually. Players were attracted by a large catalog of video slots, good bonuses and a convenient multilingual interface. The owners placed particular emphasis on supporting cryptocurrencies in addition to popular national currencies.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>The official website Bingo Bonga Casino Casino, which appeared in 2018, belongs to the operator, who, together with the machines, offered users betting bets. The project has firmly established itself in the gambling market largely thanks to an impressive collection of gambling entertainment, generous bonuses and regular tournaments that allow you to win not only money, but also loyalty points.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p>The official site Eddy Vegas Casino Casino is a young project that offers users more than 1000 slot machines, an interesting bonus program and regular tournaments. The casino appeared as a result of the rebranding of Azartmania, which has existed since 2012. English-speaking players note the presence of a full-fledged English-language localization and the ability to open an account in English rubles.</p>
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Sun, 22 Oct 2023 05:40:43 +0800
<p>The official site of Vivaro Casino is a portal with traditional gambling, sports betting and a separate poker room. The casino is famous for a large set of titles in the gaming lobby and an honest attitude towards customers. The site interface is presented only in English and Armenian, and this small flaw could have gone unnoticed if it were not for the lack of a license for gambling activities.</p><br><ul> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>MrRex Casino : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xbet Casino</a> : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li>Rollers Casino : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>Online casino Live is a young service from a reliable operator. It attracts new customers with an individual approach to providing bonuses, depending on the preferences of a particular user. The site operates on the basis of permission from the Malta Gambling Commission, contains a large collection of video slots and entertainment with live dealers. An additional advantage for gamblers from Canada and the CIS countries is the English-language interface and the ability to create a ruble account.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>In 2020, a group of talented developers from Sprut Group BV launched a new gambling project - SpinBetter online casino. Few people know that this is the former CasinoZ, so the site has an excellent base and good prospects. This is a licensed platform that offers users a huge collection of gambling entertainment, several good bonuses and a multi-stage cashback loyalty program. The site catalog is constantly updated with new software, so the players interest in the platform remains at a consistently high level.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>Existing for about 20 years, the official website of the casino Bingo Bonga Casino today is a large and popular gaming platform. It contains not only video slots, but also many other gambling entertainments. Separate places are occupied by a betting site and a poker room, for which the operator even offers special bonuses.</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. MrRex Casino - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>Buran online casino has been operating since 2016, has a Curacao gambling license and offers players almost 3,000 gambling games, which are very conveniently categorized.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p>The Dama NV operator has many large brands in its arsenal, but there are also unpromoted young projects. Among them is the online casino Super Bit, which appeared relatively recently, but offers comfortable conditions to all lovers of gambling entertainment. A good collection of slot machines, a bonus program with welcome offers, periodic tournaments and other features help the operator to attract new customers.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>The official website Viggoslots Casino Casino is a young and promising project launched in August 2022 by an operator unknown at that time. The site with popular gambling entertainment began to develop rapidly, attracting players from almost all over the world. The collection of slots was gradually increased, bonuses and contests were added, and even a betting platform with sports betting was built in. Now Get X online casino is a popular project in the iGaming industry.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>The online casino Biamo.bet Casino appeared on the platform of a well-known European bookmaker and quickly gained a large audience. Online gambling enthusiasts prefer the project due to the official license and high-quality gaming software. Users from Canada who intend to play on verified resources are not stopped even by the territorial restrictions set by the operator.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. 1xbet Casino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p> 1xbet Casino is a little-known casino with a minimum set of slots, operating without a license and delaying payments to players. There is no information about the owners on the site, and technical support operators do not provide information about the license. P</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>This site with slot machines and other popular gambling entertainment was launched in 2022 by Stake Seven Limited BV, registered in Curacao. The operator hired experienced developers who thought through all the details. Players received a high-quality platform with gambling entertainment, where they found a large collection of slots, live broadcasts with dealers, and a VIP program of 10 levels with various bonuses and gifts. The official website Jackpot Molly Casino Casino continues to develop, providing new opportunities for gamblers.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Rollers Casino - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>The official website Rollers Casino Casino has been on the market for less than a year, gradually developing and improving the quality of player service. The licensed operator took care of the permit, offered a large collection of software and developed a profitable bonus policy, offering generous welcome promotions to newcomers.</p>
Sun, 22 Oct 2023 04:01:45 +0800
<p>Online casino Casino Brango Casino appeared in 2014 and was originally aimed at gamblers from Eastern Europe: Canada, UK, USA, Moldova. Later, the institution expanded its zone of influence, interfaces appeared in Spanish, Swedish, Finnish and Chinese. The official website is equally well adapted for all devices - computers, smartphones and tablets. The casino is owned by RIOTECH NV, registered in the Netherlands Antilles.</p><br><ul> <li>Eddy Vegas Casino : Welcome package for new members </li> <li><a href="https://casinobest.io/1xbet/">1xBet APP</a> : Variety of promotional campaigns </li> <li>Whamoo Casino : Multilingual interface </li> <li>Bingo Bonga Casino : Extra spins and Tournaments </li> <li>MrRex Casino : Mystery bonus every month </li> <li>Viggoslots Casino : Detailed “Help” section </li> <li>Biamo.bet Casino : No-deposit bonus available </li> <li>Jackpot Molly Casino : Weekly offers and trending deals </li> <li>PartyCasino : Massive iGaming library </li> <li>Joo Casino : Weekly casino spins offer </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Eddy Vegas Casino - Welcome package for new members </h2><p>Online gambling enthusiasts who prefer to use cryptocurrencies for payments can try to play slot machines at Fortune Jack casino for money, but be careful. This is a licensed project, but it has a lot of negative reviews on the net. Users complain about the poor return of machines, delays in payments, and even blocking of accounts after they manage to win money at the casino. Because of this, a project with good potential deserves not the highest rating.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. 1xBet APP - Variety of promotional campaigns </h2><p>The online casino 1xBet APP is focused on Runet users, so the interface is available not only in English, but also in English. The operator allows you to open accounts in different currencies, including English rubles and hryvnia. The casino attracts with a low entry threshold. The minimum deposit is only 50 rubles. Users are also attracted by the loyalty system, monthly cashback and no deposit free spins bonus.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Whamoo Casino - Multilingual interface </h2><p>The casino has been operating since 2013, however, users from Canada have become interested in it relatively recently. The operator offers about 1,000 gambling games, and many popular providers are on the list. English visitors are attracted by a high-quality English-language interface, a variety of welcome and weekly bonuses, as well as the possibility of maintaining an account in rubles.</p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Bingo Bonga Casino - Extra spins and Tournaments </h2><p>In 2020, the official casino website Bingo Bonga Casino appeared on the gambling market, which began to actively develop and arouse interest among many players. In 2022, the project was renamed Spinbetter. The indisputable advantage of the casino is a large catalog of gambling entertainment, but the operator still needs to improve the loyalty program and improve the quality of technical support.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. MrRex Casino - Mystery bonus every month </h2><p>GGBet online casino was created in 2016 by professionals from the world of eSports. The main direction of the resource is betting, but considerable attention is also paid to the casino. The site presents slots from popular developers, and the minimum threshold for entering the game is only 100 rubles. On the Internet, players leave conflicting reviews, among the obvious disadvantages noting the lengthy verification of documents during verification, delays in payments and account blocking.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. Viggoslots Casino - Detailed “Help” section </h2><p>In 2022, users got the opportunity to play casino Viggoslots Casino on the official website. The young site is in its infancy and is developing at a promising pace. Already in the first months of operation, the operator created an impressive tournament grid. It offers live dealer games, slots and other disciplines. Users are attracted by anonymity, ease of authorization, and the democratic concept of the site.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Biamo.bet Casino - No-deposit bonus available </h2><p>Online casino Vip Club is a completely new project that at the start attracted the attention of gamblers with a large collection of gambling games and a minimum deposit of 300 rubles. The casino is focused on the English-speaking and English-speaking audience and offers replenishment and withdrawal not only with fiat money, but also in cryptocurrency. The site has just started its work, however, after a detailed analysis, the project can be called promising.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. Jackpot Molly Casino - Weekly offers and trending deals </h2><p>Online casino Jackpot Molly Casino stands out from other casinos with a huge number of video slots from 80 providers, including the largest manufacturers and little-known developers of gaming software. Thanks to this, even without a English-language interface, the site won recognition from gamblers from Canada and the CIS countries.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. PartyCasino - Massive iGaming library </h2><p>Online casino Imperator can hardly be called a full-fledged casino. Even the creators themselves specify in the rules that their project is a set of Internet programs designed to make instant draws, in other words, a lottery. This self-determination is the main essence of the resource - using it really turns out to be a lottery for customers. Players cannot be sure that they will be able to withdraw winnings without any problems even if they are lucky to receive them in scripted slots.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Joo Casino - Weekly casino spins offer </h2><p>The official website Joo Casino Casino is aimed at players from Western Europe and offers a welcome bonus, regular tournaments and about 300 video slots. The operator does not have a license and software verification certificates. In the reviews, users talk about account locks after trying to withdraw funds and endless verification.</p>
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Sat, 21 Oct 2023 17:18:33 +0800
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Даркнет существует на основе технологии, известной как Tor (The Onion Router), которая обеспечивает анонимность и безопасность для пользователей. Tor использует множество узлов, чтобы перенаправить сетевой трафик и скрыть источник данных. Эти узлы представляют собой добровольные компьютеры по всему миру, которые помогают обрабатывать и перенаправлять информацию без возможности отслеживания.
В даркнете можно найти самые разнообразные сайты и сервисы: от интернет-магазинов, продающих незаконные товары, до форумов обмена информацией и блогов со свободной речью. Присутствует также и контент, который не имеет никакого незаконного характера, но предпочитает существовать вне пространства обычного интернета.
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Важно отметить, что анонимность даркнета имеет как положительные, так и отрицательные аспекты. С одной стороны, она может быть полезной для диссидентов и журналистов, которые могут использовать даркнет для обеспечения конфиденциальности и передачи информации о нарушениях прав человека. С другой стороны, она позволяет преступникам и хакерам уклоняться от ответственности и оставаться в полной тени.
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В заключение, даркнет – это сложное и многогранный инструмент, который находится в постоянном конфликте между светлыми и темными сторонами. В то время как даркнет может обеспечивать конфиденциальность и свободу информационного обмена, он также служит местом для незаконных действий и усилий преступников. Поэтому, как и в любой сфере, важно остерегаться и быть осведомленным о возможных рисках.
Sat, 21 Oct 2023 17:18:23 +0800
<p>The official website Kudos Casino Casino, which appeared in 2018, belongs to the operator, who, together with the machines, offered users betting bets. The project has firmly established itself in the gambling market largely thanks to an impressive collection of gambling entertainment, generous bonuses and regular tournaments that allow you to win not only money, but also loyalty points.</p><br><ul> <li><a href="https://australiacasino9.com/">Best Online Casinos in Australia for Real Money</a> : Hefty starting package </li> <li>Fight Club Casino : Welcome offer for newcomers </li> <li>Slots Magic : Wednesday extra spins </li> <li>Slotbox Casino : Welcome no-deposit bonus</li> <li>Casino Action : Incentives for loyal patrons </li> <li>sultanbet Casino : Huge choice of video slots </li> <li>Jackpot Wheel Casino : Excellent customer service</li> <li>GrandWild Casino : Generous offer for new punters </li> <li>Casinozer Casino : Massively big gaming platform </li> <li>Primedice : A weekend cashback bonus </li> </ul><br><br><h2 id="menu1">1. Best Online Casinos in Australia for Real Money - Hefty starting package </h2><p>In 2022, gambling enthusiasts began to register and actively play at Best Online Casinos in Australia for Real Money on the official website. The owners of this casino managed to create a high-quality and popular platform with popular software. Users were offered good conditions without mandatory verification, minimum limits on deposits and withdrawals, completely anonymous transactions.</p> <h2 id="menu2">2. Fight Club Casino - Welcome offer for newcomers </h2><p>The official website Fight Club Casino offers users a casino and a bookmakers office on the same site. Players can launch slots and bet on sports on a convenient platform. The operator provides a developed bonus system for newcomers and regular customers, and the VIP program allows you to get more privileges. The casino is licensed, the site hosts high-quality software from 62 providers.</p> <h2 id="menu3">3. Slots Magic - Wednesday extra spins </h2><p> Slots Magic is a licensed casino designed for players from Kazakhstan. The site offers a wide range of gambling entertainment, generous bonuses and a well-thought-out loyalty program. Also, customers have access to a convenient mobile version and fast payouts. </p> <h2 id="menu4">4. Slotbox Casino - Welcome no-deposit bonus</h2><p>Launched in 2020, the official website of the casino Slotbox Casino belongs to a well-known operator in the gambling world and offers comfortable conditions for all players. At the moment, the platform is under development, and the owners periodically add new software manufacturers and additional features. The interface has been translated into English, although the site is not available in all CIS countries due to territorial restrictions established by the operator.</p> <h2 id="menu5">5. Casino Action - Incentives for loyal patrons </h2><p>The multi-format platform offers slot machines from well-known manufacturers, bets on sports events and other popular entertainment. There is only one promotional offer in the bonus policy, and there is no confirmation of the availability of a license. The official website Casino Action has been operating for 23 years, the reviews on the network are mixed.</p> <h2 id="menu6">6. sultanbet Casino - Huge choice of video slots </h2><p>A new project has recently appeared on the gambling market. Who owns it is not known for certain, but because of this, there are no fewer people who want to play at sultanbet Casino Casino on the official website. The online casino offers a collection of over 2600 slots, several interesting bonuses, simple registration and a free spins store. Despite the lack of a license, players leave positive feedback about this operator.</p> <h2 id="menu7">7. Jackpot Wheel Casino - Excellent customer service</h2><p>When the online gambling segment only began to develop in the late 90s, the competition was not high. One of the gaming projects of those times is the official site Jackpot Wheel Casino Casino. It was created by a foreign operator, so the platform was translated only into English, but even taking this into account, users from Canada and the CIS countries actively registered on it.</p> <h2 id="menu8">8. GrandWild Casino - Generous offer for new punters </h2><p>Pinnacle Online Casino was created on the betting platform that has existed since 1998. The operator offers gamblers more than 1,500 video slots and other gambling entertainment. The presence of a English-language interface has made the site popular among players from Canada and the CIS countries. Weekly drawings of cash prizes and free spins, as well as impeccable honesty towards players help the operator to maintain high positions in the ratings.</p> <h2 id="menu9">9. Casinozer Casino - Massively big gaming platform </h2><p>The official site Casinozer Casino Casino is a full-fledged cryptocurrency project that exists in the online gambling segment. It was created for players who care about the privacy of their personal data. The casino developers offer a collection of over 1000 slots, live broadcasts with real dealers and bets. All this is diluted with a multi-level loyalty program with generous bonuses for each status.</p> <h2 id="menu10">10. Primedice - A weekend cashback bonus </h2><p>The online casino Primedice is part of the famous Casino Rewards network providing players with an impressive loyalty program. The casino operates on the Microgaming platform and offers players only slots from this operator. The focus on gamblers in Western and Central Europe confuses English-speaking users, despite the presence of support in English.</p>
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